luni, 7 aprilie 2014

Love song

Because of the night,
I'm staying with you.
All I can offer
I'm givin' to you!

Don't ever ask me:
wherefrom and whereto - 
take all of my love, 
all deep inside you!

Be for the whole night
tender to me.
'cause for this night I'm
stayin' with thee!

(Wolfgang Borchert, Liebeslied, unlawfully translated by Lucian-A. Blaga, 2014)

sâmbătă, 22 februarie 2014


Pune-te în miezul ploii,
să crezi în preamărirea ei,
în șuierul ei de tun
și încearcă să fii bun!

Pune-te în miez de vânt,
dansează pe al său cânt -
nu te teme de surghiun
și încearcă să fii bun!

Puneți-vă în miez de foc,
în ardeoarea-i făr' de soroc
să nu ne temem de furtuni -
și să-ncercăm să fim mai buni!

(Wolfgang Borchert, Versuch es, traducere neoficială de Lucian-A. Blaga, 2014)

sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014


I was running so fast that
I left one eye behind
which solely saw me
as I thinned, -
a stripe at first, later a line
Noble void crossing the nothingness,
a rapid, unexisting particle
traversing Death.

(Nichita Stănescu, Finish, 1978, unlawfully translated by Lucian-A. Blaga, 2014)

duminică, 19 ianuarie 2014

nothing else than a talking bloodstain

An angel came and told me:
- You're a cur, a pig,
a mutt and a scum.
The grass stinks under the weight of your shaddow;
your breath is nothing but morass!
- Why, I shouted, why?
- For no reason!
The angel came and told me:
Even glass is more clear
than your most lasting thought!
Soon you'll be dead and maggots
will bustle through your snout and nose!
- Why, I shouted, why?
- For no reason! the angel replied...
Then the angel, oh, the angel, oh, the angel, oh, the angel
flew away with its golden wings
into a golden sky.
Golden butterflies
were flapping in the golden angel's halo.
It was flying drivelling,
made out entirely of gold.
It was drifting towards a golden farness,
where the golden sun was setting.
- Why are you estranging, I shouted,
why are you leaving, why?
- For no reason, it replied, for no reason...

(Nichita Stănescu, Al meu suflet, Psyhée, unlawfully translated by Lucian-A. Blaga, 2014)